Best Living in ABGs New Homes
- July 22, 2020
- General News
In recent weeks and months, the time spent in the home for most, if not all of us, has increased dramatically. For many, the home living experience is nothing to write home about (pun intended). But, for those living in our new Modern Homes on Tillery, the experience is nothing short of WOW!

The designs of the homes from Alpha Builders Group make sure to look at every room in the house with the same care and attention to detail as the ones most often thought of. The bathrooms are no exception. Our bathrooms are not just thrown in as necessities, but are included as one of the list of luxurious aspects to include in the home as we build the best new modern home for you in our new Modern Homes on Tillery and in all the homes we build. Technology advances and changing social dynamics have contributed greatly to the rise of the modern bathroom. With the time we are now spending in our home increasing, it’s a truly wonderful thing to have a bathroom you can enjoy.
There is a far bigger focus on open concept homes and the bathrooms have taken on a bigger visibility with that change. It’s important to keep the WOW factor throughout the home and the bathrooms take on that same importance. As with any modern design trend, clean and simple styles have become favorites for homeowners with natural light becoming an essential aspect of the overall look and function of the overall space.

We at Alpha Builders Group have taken the extra care to ensure our homes are built with the best, most luxurious cabinets, lighting, and bath fixtures we can find. The finishes are an essential part of all our homes, but especially in our new Modern Homes on Tillery community being developed and nearing completion in East Austin, Texas.
These new homes at Modern Homes on Tillery are built with the most WOW we can put into a home. And, it’s not lost on the homebuyers we’ve had visit our new homes. We have had tremendous interest in our new Modern Homes on Tillery from the beginning and are selling quickly. We will likely sell out of this community fast, so don’t hesitate to buy your new home in East Austin, Texas or you may not have the chance.
Move In NOW … Tillery Street in East Austin … Selling Quickly.

Contact one of our representatives for information about these modern new homes and the available units remaining. Get in now to help customize your new home or come by to better understand the difference a community designed exclusively for the new modern lifestyle can provide. It’s in the holistic design, the quality interiors, and the location near it all.
Share your thoughts with us or contact our Modern Homes on Tillery agent for more information. Stay tuned to the blog for more on these exciting new home communities and come out to visit any of our new modern homes. Inquire with us for more information and be a part of the modern new vibe developing in East Austin.
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